
Sandberg Development sponsor of Star for Life

From 2015 Sandberg Development is a sponsor of Star for Life, an educational/motivational programme, the aim of which is to strengthen the self esteem of young people and to counter the spread of HIV/AIDS.

Sandberg Development is a so called school partner, which means that we are a sponsor of a whole school in which Star for Life's programme is implemented. Through our sponsorship Star for Life undertakes to support Mangwazana High School in South Africa by implementing a 3-year programme.

The idea for Star for Life took shape when the founder and chairman, Dan Olofsson, and his wife Christin, started a business project in South Africa. They were confronted with the enormity of the AIDS epidemic in the region. A desire to become involved with helping to counter the spread of the disease in the area was born and so they decided to help by directing their efforts towards teenagers - the generation that could still be saved. it seemed natural to begin work within the schools and so the idea for Star for Life began to take shape.